The Board of Directors and management sign in addition to subscription commitments

June 11, 2024

NextCell Pharma AB (publ) ("NextCell" or the "Company") carries out a rights issue of units of up to approximately SEK 40.1 million, which is covered to approximately 100 percent by subscription and guarantee commitments. The company's Board of Directors, management and key employees, who have previously entered into subscription commitments of up to a total of approximately SEK 1.5 million, have now announced that they will register their interest in subscribing for units for a total of approximately SEK 3.3 million, corresponding to 8.2 percent of the rights issue.

In addition to the previously entered subscription undertakings of approximately SEK 1.5 million, the Board of Directors, management and key employees of the Company have subscribed with and without preferential rights for an additional approximately SEK 0.8 million. Furthermore, former Chairman of the Board Anders Essen-Möller has stated that he will subscribe for units for a total of approximately SEK 2.0 million, corresponding to SEK 1.0 million in addition to his subscription commitment.

The above means that all members of NextCell's board of directors and management with shareholdings in the Company have applied for subscription in addition to their respective pro-rata shares of the rights issue. Today is the last day of trading in unit rights. The subscription period in the rights issue ends June 14, 2024.

For more information about NextCell Pharma, please contact
Mathias Svahn, CEO
Patrik Fagerholm, CFO
Tel: +46 8 735 5595

NextCell Pharma AB:
Cellaviva Sverige:
Cellaviva Danmark:


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FNCA Sweden AB is assigned as Certified Adviser.

About NextCell Pharma AB

NextCell is a cell therapy company that is in phase 2 studies with the drug candidate ProTrans for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The focus is to obtain market approval of ProTrans via a phase 3 study. ProTrans is manufactured utilizing the patented platform technology for selection of optimal cells with potency to treat inflammatory disorders including autoimmune diseases. NextCell owns Cellaviva, the largest stem cell bank in the Nordics and QVance, a quality analysis CRO company in start up.

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NextCell publishes its Year-End Report
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NextCell Pharma AB (“NextCell” or “the Company”) announced last week that a clinical trial with the stem cell therapy product ProTrans for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 has been approved. A total of nine patients will be treated within this phase 1b study, called "ProTrans 19+". The com...
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NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") today announces that the application for clinical trial of COVID-19 patients with the drug candidate ProTrans has been approved by both the Ethics Committy and the Swedish Medical Product Agency. The study will be conducted at the University Hospital in Örebro in c...
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NextCell Pharma AB (“NextCell”) will today at 15:00 present at Investerarjakten. Viewers have the possibility to ask questions directly to CEO Mathias Svahn. The event is broadcast live on Studio Direct's youtube channel, the facebook group Aktier and on between 13:00-17:00. ...
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Presentation of the positive results from ProTrans-2
NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") announced earlier this week that the clinical diabetes trial ProTrans-2 had met the primary endpoints. On the occation of that, the principal investigator Professor Per-Ola Carlsson together with NextCell will hold a webcast presentation today, Thursday 10 September at 16.00. The result from the clinical trial ProTrans-2 said that patients treated with a single dose ProTrans show a statistically significant improved preservation of insulin production over 12 months, compared to patients treated with placebo (p-value < 0.05). Today, on Thursday the 10th of
NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") announced earlier this week that the clinical diabetes trial ProTrans-2 had met the primary endpoints. On the occation of that, the principal investigator Professor Per-Ola Carlsson together with NextCell will hold a webcast presentation today, Thursday 10 Septembe...
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ProTrans shows significant effect in Diabetes
NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") today announces that the ProTrans-2 clinical trial met the primary endpoint. Patients treated with a single dose ProTrans show a statistically significant improved preservation of insulin production over 12 months, compared to patients treated with placebo (p-value < 0.05). A total of 15 patients were included in the ProTrans-2 trial. They were randomized to receive either ProTrans (n=10), NextCell’s proprietary stem cell therapy, or placebo (n=5). Treatment was blinded, ensuring that neither patients or their physicians knew whether they had received active
NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") today announces that the ProTrans-2 clinical trial met the primary endpoint. Patients treated with a single dose ProTrans show a statistically significant improved preservation of insulin production over 12 months, compared to patients treated with placebo (p-value...
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NextCell Pharma AB (“NextCell” or the “Company”) announces today that the Company together with 3 partner organizations have been awarded a €1.6M Eurostars grant of which NextCell’s share is €470,000. The aim of the project entitled Bioscale, is to optimise automated bioreactors to manufacture th...
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