Today Nextcell Pharma publishes its annual report 2016-2017

November 14, 2017
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NextCell Pharmas first delivery of ProTrans™
NextCell Pharma AB (”NextCell”) today, received the first delivery of the drug candidate ProTrans™ from their manufacturer PBKM.
NextCell Pharma AB (”NextCell”) today, received the first delivery of the drug candidate ProTrans™ from their manufacturer PBKM....
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Stem cell company NextCell Pharma receives approval from Ethics Committee
NextCell Pharma AB (NEXTCL) announced today that approval has been obtained from the Ethics Testing Board EPN, to develop assays from umbilical cord tissue. The collection is performed by regular staff at the clinic at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. The project is conducted by Edvard Smith, Professor of Molecular Genetics at the Department of Laboratory Medicine at Karolinska Institutet, and one of the founders of the Company. The results may be included in the Company's proprietary intellectual property regarding ProTrans. ProTrans is developed for stem cell therapies for
NextCell Pharma AB (NEXTCL) announced today that approval has been obtained from the Ethics Testing Board EPN, to develop assays from umbilical cord tissue. The collection is performed by regular staff at the clinic at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. The project is conducted by Edvard...
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NextCell Pharma updates on its current situation in its first quarterly report
NextCell Pharma AB (”NEXTCL”, “NextCell”) today, released its first quarterly report (April-June) since its introduction on Aktietorget. Following the issue in July, and after payment of study drug the Company has approximately SEK 20 million in cash, while the "burn rate" for the reporting period (April-June) was 3.5 MSEK (listing on Aktietorget occurred after the closing of this quarterly report). During the reporting period NextCell Pharma has recruited Leo Groenewegen, who took up the position of CFO. Besides his duties as CFO, Leo Groenewegen, together with Chairman Anders Essen-Moller,
NextCell Pharma AB (”NEXTCL”, “NextCell”) today, released its first quarterly report (April-June) since its introduction on Aktietorget. Following the issue in July, and after payment of study drug the Company has approximately SEK 20 million in cash, while the "burn rate" for the reporting perio...
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NextCell Pharma AB submits clinical trial application for its drug candidate ProTrans™
NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") announced today that a clinical trial application for ProTrans™, a stem cell product developed with NextCell's Proprietary Selection Algorithm, has been submitted to the Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket). The study is planned to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ProTrans™ in adult patients with type 1 diabetes diagnosed within two years. The study sponsor is NextCell and the principal investigator is Professor Per-Ola Carlsson, who works at Uppsala University and the Academic Hospital in Uppsala. The study will be conducted together with Karolinska
NextCell Pharma AB ("NextCell") announced today that a clinical trial application for ProTrans™, a stem cell product developed with NextCell's Proprietary Selection Algorithm, has been submitted to the Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket). The study is planned to evaluate the safety and eff...
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Disclosure notice: NextCell Pharma AB’s Chairman of the Board acquires additional shares
NextCell Pharma AB (”NextCell”) announces today, on July 19th 2017, that Chairman of the Board, Anders Essen-Möller, has acquired 263.020 shares in the company. Before the acquisition, Essen-Möller held 737.033 shares, equivalent to approximately 8.74 percent of the votes and capital. After the acquisition, Essen-Möller holds 1.000.053 shares, equivalent to approximately 11.76 percent of the votes and capital in NextCell.
NextCell Pharma AB (”NextCell”) announces today, on July 19th 2017, that Chairman of the Board, Anders Essen-Möller, has acquired 263.020 shares in the company. Before the acquisition, Essen-Möller held 737.033 shares, equivalent to approximately 8.74 percent of the votes and capital. After the a...
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First day of trading in stem cell company NextCell Pharma AB
NextCell Pharma AB (”NextCell”) announces today that trading with its shares and warrants of series TO 1 will commence today at the AktieTorget stock exchange. The shares will be traded under the name “NEXTCL” with the corresponding ISIN code SE009723125. The warrants will be designated with the name “NEXTCL TO 1” and ISIN code SE009888795. NextCell develops stem cell therapies, where stem cells from donated umbilical cords can treat patients who are not family of the donor. The cells are developed with NextCell's proprietary method and the company's first product, ProTrans™, is intended for
NextCell Pharma AB (”NextCell”) announces today that trading with its shares and warrants of series TO 1 will commence today at the AktieTorget stock exchange. The shares will be traded under the name “NEXTCL” with the corresponding ISIN code SE009723125. The warrants will be designated with the ...
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